Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gay Pride

Generally when “pride” and “gay” are used in the same sentence, they invariably invoke images of rainbow flags, flamboyant dress, and frivolous behavior. I’m honestly not sure what gay pride advocates are trying to accomplish or prove. I don’t object to what they do, but for me, I just don’t really feel a need to be so “in your face” about it. During a discussion in the LDS Institute class I occasionally attend, the topic of pride was brought up. It triggered some thoughts in my mind. Perhaps this will be of interest to someone, perhaps not. Still, it provides me a much needed opportunity to organize my thoughts in a coherent manner, which generally helps me come to better understand it myself.


First off, a bit of background for anyone who may not be very familiar with the concept of the “Pride Cycle” within the Mormon faith. It provides a general illustration of the cycles of prosperity and faithfulness contrasted by devastation and rebelliousness within the civilizations in the Book of Mormon. It is one of the most dominant underlying themes in the entire book. The people (families, communities, cities, and even entire nations) would start out humble, teachable, and with a sincere effort to good. They would recognize their dependence on God for their salvation and long-term welfare. As they strived to do what He asked them to do, they would be blessed. It would continue for varying amounts of time until, ultimately, complacency, discord, and corruption would seep in or develop. This generally represented the people becoming prideful, and it separated them from the things in their lives that had been contributing to their prosperity. Left unchecked (the people recognizing their current state), external forces would sweep in and ultimately compel the people to become humble again or sink deeper into wickedness and risk destruction. Once they hit bottom, they would then turn back to God and seek to do His will, which would eventually lead to prosperity again.

There are many lessons that can be drawn from this cycle, whether one is actually religious or not. The greatest challenge is determining how oneself can follow along with doing God’s will, being humble, teachable, submissive, and leading a selfless life without eventually falling into the “pride” trap.

This is a constant challenge that I know I have faced personally, and I have seen even countless others do the same. Just look at the failure of resolutions that people make. I have been off-and-on diligent about fitting in exercise in my schedule over the past several years. I may do well for several weeks, going nearly every weekday. Then some kind of catalist happens: I become complacent; allow other things to become more important (watching a TV series, meeting up with friends, frantically cramming for a test, etc.). It breaks me away from my previously successful routine. It may then take months to get to the point where I am motivated enough to start going again, and that usually arises from me recognizing the missing benefits that I once enjoyed so much from regularly working out (more energy during the day, better muscle definition, more confidence in my stride and interactions with others, etc.). So, the “Pride Cycle”, although fundamentally related to one’s efforts toward righteousness in Mormon culture, is not purely a Mormon principle. It’s universal.


With the pride cycle in mind, I started wondering how pride enters into the topic of striving to live the gospel as a Mormon with a same sex attraction. I quickly realized that it is far more complicated than simply observing the behavior of someone, myself included. The institute teacher asked us to think about how many less-active members (people who are Mormon, but either don’t practice it or do not regularly attend church or church activities) may be less-active because of pride. I’ve heard countless stories of pride causing people to leave the Church (being offended by others, having higher priorities that keep them from attending, being lazy, etc.).

In full disclosure, I haven’t been attending Sunday services much lately. My reasons are complicated, as I’ve written in previous posts. I don’t take offense at the idea of my being less-active being based on some underlying issue related to pride. If that is the case, then I am sincerely seeking to find that out. At this point, however, I am not convinced that it is so. I am currently making extra efforts to anchor my faith to my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I support the Church and generally agree with its principles. However, I still cannot come to terms with what kind of life I should be leading right now. I don’t want a boyfriend, I don’t want to engage in non-committal sex, but I also don’t think that it would be right for me to go on dating girls and pretending that I’m straight. It frustrates me, it plays with their emotions, and it ultimately doesn’t solve anything.

That being said, I am currently looking at my life and am trying to identify things that may ultimately be pride-driven. I’ll be as honest as possible as I look at various aspects of pride:

  • MATERIALISM – I think I can confidently say I don’t have a real issue with this. I’m have no desire to foster the pervasive “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality that seems so prevalent in Mormon culture. My car is a hideous, rusty import from over a decade ago. I keep driving it because I hate monthly payments and can’t justify spending unnecessarily on something that’s just going to depreciate. I pay for things with cash, and the only debt I carry are a mortgage and some student loans that I’m paying off at a very rapid rate.
  • EGO – I’m not ugly, but I’m no super model. I work hard at taking care of my body, and I’m in pretty decent shape. Maybe that’s a symptom of the gay Peter Pan Syndrome that’s pretty common in the gay world. Regardless, we’re only given one body, and Heavenly Father wants us to take good care of it. That’s what I do, and it’s an important part of leading a balanced life. I don’t overtly flaunt it, but I’m not embarrassed or self conscious and I don’t think I’m better than others because I’m not fat. I just lucked out with my genes and high metabolism. Overall, I just don’t think I’m prideful about my body. I certainly don’t think it’s compounding any SSA issues I have. I do recognize that I'm smarter than the average person, but I make just as many stupid mistakes as the person next door, so I don't think of myself as better than anyone.
  • SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS – This one could be a potential risk, though I don’t see it as having really been a problem. I will say that I feel I’m about as non-judgmental as a person can get. Being gay, it would be easy to fall into the mindset that the Church doesn’t understand us, it actively persecutes us, is completely unfounded in its doctrines on chastity, and just leave the Church and everything it values behind. I won’t do that, and I don’t believe it (for the most part). Yes, I am frustrated because the Church currently doesn’t really offer any support that would help ensure the long-term activity and overall success of members who have same sex attractions. I consider that to be a major problem. It pains me that they don’t seem to think of it as a problem. In some ways, it may appear that some want us to leave, especially when looking at BYU and its policies (there’s a reason I didn’t consider going to that school). However, I think this is more so a growing pain from our culture transitioning and fallout from overly zealous, politically motivated people and a generational gap between my parents’ generation and my own, the up-and-coming.
  • DESPAIR – It may not seem inherently prideful, but the notion that one is so wicked and loved by nobody else, let alone God, is very self-centered and destructive. Not only does it hurt the person, but it robs those around them of what could potentially be a valuable relationship or service. I generally try to keep as far away from this kind of attitude as possible, even though Satan clearly would want me to do so. It’s extremely dangerous. It’s the kind of attitude that could easily lead me, a gay Mormon, to consider something like suicide. I do admit that this could be a part of why I am going through the questioning that I am currently going through, and I am trying to be careful as a result. It does seem like a hopeless case, trying to remain faithful to my beliefs while trying to cope with the feelings that accompany a SSA. I already vowed that I would never consider suicide, so I won’t even let myself dwell on such thoughts. I would find more comfort if there was more evidence that the Church is fighting for the salvation of its members who have same sex attractions, but I see very little evidence of that. I guess my frustrations with this stem from my perception of reality, whether that is correct or not.
  • JUSTIFYING SIN – Okay, we all have our bad habits, our weaknesses, or our personal troubles. That’s a given. I readily acknowledge that there are things in my life that I need to change. I’m not trying to justify leaving the Church so that I can make up for years of lost sex. I’m not a sexual addict, I don’t find that kind of lifestyle appealing, and I still stand for higher standards of morals and integrity. As I’ve said before, I don’t object to the morals of the Church or the Mormon faith. I do feel an increased burden from carrying around sin that I should probably seek to throw off and disassociate myself from, and that’s the nature of not partaking of the sacrament each week. I suppose this could be a wakeup call, but I don’t consider it to be an issue of pride.
  • NOT BEING MINDFUL OF SERVICE – This is a tough one. Service is generally inherently non-prideful, unless it is done for the sake of appearances or some coveted outcome. Such cases are quite rare, and I’m not seeking anyone’s attention. The Church provides an amazing opportunity to forget oneself and focus on helping others. It’s amazing how much smaller and more insignificant my own problems become when I focus on helping others and just forget my own needs. That was probably the biggest way in which I benefitted from being so active last year. It made a huge difference for me, and I still consider this the biggest thing that is drawing me back to being active again. Without the Church, it is much more difficult to identify the kind of service opportunities that I feel Heavenly Father wants me to focus on. I suppose seeking those out would be a very worthwhile pursuit, and it is one area in which my life is out of balance. I guess I will mark that as one area where my pride is getting the best of me.

I am still actively thinking about this topic, I expect my thoughts to deepen or possibly even change over time. I have briefly discussed it with another gay friend of mine, and I expect I will make more posts on this topic in the future. For the time being, however, this is the base of how I am approaching the issue. It also is opening my eyes because there are so many gospel-related topics that I seem to view from a very different angle from a typical Molly Mormon or Peter Priesthood. You can certainly expect more posts like this one in the future.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seeking Spiritual Support

As I have been pondering what will happen for me when the unstoppable object meets the immovable force in my life, I find myself needing to reassess the priority of things in my spiritual life.  To be honest, my activity in the LDS church (how often I go, how actively I participate) has been pretty off-and-on throughout most of my 20s thus far.  Currently I am semi-less-active.  That basically means I may attend some of church once or twice a month, but not with any regularity.  My participation and interaction with others is pretty minimal, and I likely will arrive late and/or leave early.  It's not unheard of amongst membership of the Church, and a decent amount of people seem to go through such phases.  Each person has his or her own reasons.  My main reason right now is mixed and nearly impossible to explain to people without outing myself.

First, on demographics of the ward itself, I don't really fit in at all.  I'm in my late 20s, and the rest of the ward is probably around 21 on average.  There's a big gap between 1) someone who is done with college, has been totally independent from his parents for nearly a decade, has a mortgage, and has a career, and 2) someone who still lives with his parents, has only had a part time job, and is perhaps just starting college or is on break from BYU.  I'm just not likely to have any real, genuine close friends in that kind of ward.  That's just a fact of life.

Secondly, the bishopric, bless their hearts, do a great job of addressing the needs of less experienced young single adults.  However, they come across as more micro managerial to me than anything.  For example, they made a special announcement that napping with someone of the opposite gender is NOT okay.  They also told us that we need to wait until after a church lesson is done and the closing prayer has been said before we close our lesson manuals.  I can understand their reason behind this, and though I don't necessarily think these are BAD ideas per se, it basically shows that they don't trust us to make our own decisions or, more fundamentally, think for ourselves.  My own parents were never this strict and controlling, and I absolutely chafe under this kind of treatment.  There's no way I would let someone talk to me like that, and I'm about as big of a peace maker as anyone.  Those kind of things bug me, but I can still generally ignore them and move on.  However, given how complicated it is dealing with an unwanted same sex attraction, what would someone in my position expect in seeking advice and help from a bishop who works this way?  If he began trying to introduce such micro rules and telling me I need to live them, I'd go berserk.  I don't mean this to be a criticism of the bishop as an individual, nor of his calling or his capacity to follow the impressions of the Spirit, but it does make it extremely difficult for someone in my position to seek his advice or support.

Finally, I'm frustrated by the Church's approach to the issue of homosexuality.  As I mentioned before, I could understand them taking such a strong stance on the issue if they offered an alternative, a system of help and support, and answers that don't leave those who are sincerely trying to live a life in accordance with Heavenly Father's will.  That system isn't there.  As my good friend noted, the Church is not set up in a way to promote the long-term success and activity of people who have a same sex attraction unless that person has enough of an attraction to a female to get married and use the family-support system instead.  There is a reason you don't find many active members with a same sex attraction who are single and in their 30s, 40s, or 50s.  What programs are available, such as help in overcoming addictions, simply address symptoms of the issue of homosexuality.  They don't do anything about the actual attraction itself, and so there's little reason to expect success.

In all honesty, however, I miss the Spirit that I feel at church.  It's nice to be able to sit there, listen to the lessons, thoughts, or experiences of your fellow brothers and sisters and learn from them.  It's nice to hear something that prompts the Spirit to whisper to you an answer that you've been earnestly seeking.  For this reason, I really do want to go back, and that is how it has been every time I've gone through a bout where I was less-active.  It's quite cyclical, to be honest.  It's not like the Book of Mormon cycles, where I start out active, then get prideful, then wicked, then persecute people, then become increasingly wicked, then something comes along and humbles me, then I go crawling back, then I repent and become active again.  For me, it's more like this:
  • [Need] I feel the need to have Spiritual guidance in my life.  My soul feels weighed down with sin.
  • [Need fulfilled] I seek the Spirit, I start attending church, and I repent
  • [Duty] I take a calling, I fulfill said calling, and am in attendance every week
  • [Adversity/SSA] My life gets busy for whatever reason, then my attempts to lock my SSA in a box and control it result in me feeling lonely and depressed.
  • [Failure to Cope] My inability to subdue my SSA leaves me feeling depressed, unintentionally engaging in self-destructive or damaging behavior (Nothing sexual nor anything that would put my life in danger.  Just things that may leave other basic areas of Maslow's hierachy of needs unfulfilled, perhaps so as to drown out SSA-related pains/frustrations)
  • [Unexpected Turn of Events] I might end up moving (or getting moved to another ward), or a friendship with a girl turns overly dramatic as she opens up to me, sharing her feelings of wanting to be more than friends, then I respond truthfully by saying "it's not you, it's me" (which is true, other than the fact that she's a girl, not a guy) even though she interprets that as being "it's you".  Ends badly.  Even though I tell her she's great, and I really like being around her, and that's the truth, she still feels hurt because she doesn't know why.  She assumes I'm making excuses or saying things without saying them, like girls do so well.
  • [Increasing adversity, lack of support] I fall deeper into despair, and my attendance or participation in Church drops noticeably.
  • [Inactivity] I drag on for a while, even though I may appear to be doing just fine.  Heck, I got through college with a 3.8+, landed an awesome job, had a great social life, had plenty of friends, and was able to make ends meet and be fully self-sufficient.  I can obviously handle quite a lot, but it does take its toll.
I think that pretty much sums up my SSA cycle with the Church.  It's frustrating.  It's at that time where adversity starts to rear its ugly head that I need to have something that I can hold onto, but it's just not there.  As far as I know, I'm the only young single adult in the entire Denver area that is at least semi-active despite my same sex attraction.  It's really hard.  There are so many times that I wish I could just talk with someone in person, go for a walk or whatever, vent, and have that person understand or be able to relate because they've been there too.  But I don't have that.  I have my good friend across the country, and he's great.  But he and I both know the need to be able to just talk in person sometimes and be able to let it out.  As long as this need remains unfulfilled, I see little reason to hope for the cycle to miraculously be broken.  Unfortunately, this kind of support is not available within the Church.  I has had a definite negative impact on my faith in the Church itself, though my faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is still unwavering.

I am beginning to think that I need to focus on strengthening my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and increasing my ability to lean on them for support during the rough times.  In particular, I am focusing on increasing my study of the Book of Mormon as I seek personal guidance and inspiration on what I should be doing with my life, where I should go, what I need to change, and what I should be planning for my future.  This is truly the first time I have studied the book in such earnestness and with such clear intent, and I am finding that the promises made in the introduction are indeed true.  I find that it is bringing me closer to my savior Jesus Christ than any other book possibly could.  I have a genuine, true testimony of that.  The Book of Mormon can give guidance, direction, and spiritual comfort to anyone, even to a gay Mormon.  So in that sense, I guess there is still hope yet.